Re: [gtk-list] Re: pbms on freebsd w/ threads

Emmanuel DELOGET wrote:
> As the well known Norbert Bladt said...
> ->Emmanuel DELOGET wrote:
> ->>
> ->> Hi, Lords,
> ->>
> ->> Everything below apply to freebsd boxes (tested on
> ->> 2.2.8, but should apply to 2.2.x and 3.x)
> ->>
> ->> I have it. Before anything, a fast rewind :
> ->> after a succesfull install of gtk-1.2.2 on my freebsd
> ->> 2.2.8 box, I experienced some problems in some
> ->> configure scripts (such as the one of the gimp 1.0.4,
> ->> imlib 1.9.4, and so on...). These configure script failed
> ->> on the version detection, giving the message "success in
> ->> compil, failed to run.". The problem was not related to
> ->> a bad install, but to some nasty side-effect of a
> ->> 'thread-enable' compilation of gdk.
> ->[snip]
> ->
> ->Thank you very much for this explanation. I'll wait with upgrading
> ->after your tests are done.
>         They are not finished yet.I have changed getc() to fgetc()
>         (using fgetc() instead of getc() seems better, since
>         fgetc() is a function and getc() a macro) and then
>         experienced some *very* strange things...
I can't promise anything, but I will try to continue on your path
during the weekend. I have a very nice debugger at home :-)

Have a nice weekend.
CU on monday,


Norbert Bladt		 Payphone Management System Software Development
ascom Autelca AG
Worbstrasse 201		 CH-3073 Guemligen, Switzerland VOICE: +41 31 999 6552, FAX: +41 31 999 6575

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