Re: [gtk-list] Re: Win32 Support

> problem is that the Link-step stops with one severe
> error, complaining about a Winmain@16 entry which it
> cannot find.  I'm sure, I'm just doing some basics wrong,
> I don't know VC well.

Add the link switch /subsystem:console to your makefile, and the
program will be built as a "console application" (meaning that it
starts running your code in the "main" function, and always has a
console window open, but it can still use all the GUI APIs (via using
GTk+ normally). If you want a "windowing application" with no console
window, use /subsystem:windows, and you will need a WinMain function,
which can be this simple in the case of GTk+ applications:

int _stdcall
WinMain (int hInstance, int hPrevInstance, char *lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
  return main (__argc, __argv);

Where main() is your normal main() as on Unix. (That's the GIMP's


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