Re: [gtk-list] Best way to display video

On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, James Macnicol wrote:

> 	I am looking to write a simple video viewer for my project work.
> I'm not thinking of doing anything fancy, just being able to display
> uncompressed YUV sequences (with or without a header) and possibly in
> conjunction with an H263 implementation I'm writing.
> 	What is the best way to do this?  I've been looking at some of
> the gdk_imlib stuff which displays things by setting the background
> pixmap in a drawing area widget.  I'd prefer not to use imlib if I can
> because I don't really need anything much from it and I find it leads
> to the Solaris X server crashing spectacularly (although if not having
> it means I need to deal with colour allocation then I guess I'll keep
> it).  My guess is the best way to do things is to have an idle
> function to trigger the displaying of the next frame in a sequence.
I think ImLib is an appropriate way for this task and I prefer it
myself.  The other way (which I havn't checked myself) is using

Kind regards


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