Re: [gtk-list] Re: GtkText widget handling of "default values"

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 wrote:

> Hi, this worked for me when I did
> 	len = strlen( gtk_entry_get_text( GTK_ENTRY( entry ) ) );
> 	gtk_entry_select_region( GTK_ENTRY( entry ), 0, len );
> ie., you have to give the exact end point. Puzzled me for a while too. I
> used to have gtk_entry_select_region( GTK_ENTRY( entry ), 0, 10000 ) and it
> caused some odd problems :/
Odd is the right word.  Neither this nor GTK_ENTRY(entry)->text_length
worked for me.  Instead I observed the strange behaviour while browsing
throug a set of GtkEntrys with <Tab> each entry will be selected in
_every_ time it get's the focus.  The intention was to present a
box and in the original state all entries should be selected.  Than
I want to enter this or that and change the value.  Focussing it
next time it should stay normal.

The interesting thing is that <Tab> has this effect, that means the
focus_in_event handling routine works in principle, but it doesn't work
with the mouse.  Do I have to do a gtk_signal_connect_after/before
to solve this problem??

Kind regards


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