Re: [gtk-list] Filename influences behavior?

On 09/16/98 Eric Harlow uttered the following other thing:
> Hi,
> I'm witnessing strange behavior and I don't know why it's occuring.  I
> made a small clock application (about 200 lines) and compiled it. 
> Worked great.  So I renamed it - it worked, but the titlebar and
> border disappeared!  I couldn't get them to reappear so I renamed the
> file and the titlebar reappeared!  The named that worked was "clockx"
> - "clock" or "gtkclock" would not work.  I've included the source
> below - if comment out the events, you should be able to get it to
> compile.  I'm using gtk-1.0.4
Chances are this is your window manager.  You probably have something
which tells it not to add a border to *clock.  From my .fvwmrc:

Style "*clock" Notitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, Icon clock.xpm

See, notitle.  You probably have noborder as well.

 Brandon Long        "The most merciful thing in the world is the inability
 MD6 Crash Test Dummy    of the human mind to correlate all its contents."
 Intel Corporation               -- H. P. Lovecraft
          I'm too low on the totem pole to speak for Intel.

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