Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK and Qt comparison?

On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, Ionut Borcoman at home wrote:

> Ronan BOURLIER wrote:
> > 
> > Regarding the GPL license, can I develop a commercial application based
> > on GTK ? And if I can, is there any special requirement ?
> > I read the GPL license and I am not sure that I understood everything.
> > (english is not my mother tongue ;)
> > 
> Here is what I have understood till now:
> 1. Let's say you want to use GTK. GTK is LGPL, that is you can use it's
> libs and headers to develop whatever program you want, even commercial
> ones. By this I mean you only use the binaries and you do not change the
> GTK sources. You us it as a third party library. 
> 2. If you want to take parts from the GTK and include in your own code,
> that this code has to be also released as LGPL (if it is a library) or
> as GPL (if it is a program). You also have to mention the copyright
> notice of the code you are using or specify that you use code
> copyrighted by xxx in your sources.

A clarification: you can use GPL and/or LGPL for *any* program, including
commercial ones. GPL isn't about commercial/non-commercial software, it is
about freedom.

So you can take bits and pieces of code that are under GPL, turn it into a
new application, place that under GPL and sell it commercially.


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