Re: g_strdelimit (Johannes Keukelaar) writes:

> //All:
> David:
> //Perhaps this isn't the correct forum, I've seen mostly
> //programmer-related things, and I'm not a programmer.  But I'm hoping
> //someone knowledgeable on the list can point me to the correct FM.
> Seems like the correct forum. I don't think there is a correct FM yet. Perhaps 
> this should be a FFAQ.
> <deletia>
> //upgraded to gtk 1.0.5 (had 1.0.1/3/4 on the system) because a new
> //program required it.
> <deletia>
> //Now, builds _and_ previously working programs bomb with:
> ///usr/lib/ undefined symbol: g_strdelimit
> Previous versions of gtk had inter-library dependencies enabled. g_strdelimit 
> is in glib, not in gtk, and apparently used in gtk. In previous versions, 
> would contain a reference to Now, it doesn't. (These 
> things don't work on all platforms, apparently.) (Did I get all that right?) 
> This means that will not be able to find g_strdelimit. Hence, the 
> problem.

Well, that's sort of in the right direction. One reason for
seeing the g_strdelimit messages is that one didn't update
glib when updating gtk+. 

But if you have the same version of both libraries, then you may be
seeing a problem that occured with Redhat 5.1, where the GTK+
dependent libraries were statically linked against glib. 
(So, the version linked into the executable is being used instead
of the new version)

The fix for that is to make sure that you have all the updates
for 5.1.


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