Re: [gtk-list] Re: Plotting widget?

On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Andreas Tille wrote:
> After having a look at I think that gtk--draw is
> my friend for the more simple purpose.  The problem for me is, that
> it is C++.  May be that isn't a real problem, but I wonder if it
> is reasonable to write basic widgets for Gtk+, which is written in C,
> in C++.  I would consider it to be better, if such widgets would be
> written in C and a additionally wrapper should be supported.
> Off course I can't enforce any developer to stick on C if he prefers
> C++.  What is the general policy in such cases?  I don't want to write
> my complex program in C++ only to use gtk--draw.

Well, one thing is that writing a widget in C then wrapping it is
significantly more painful than doing it in C++. The second thing is that
most of gtk--draw is not widgets; mostly it's a convenience wrapper around
Gdk. Then the plot stuff is designed in a C++ way, so it can't really be
on a C substrate. The C equivalent would be bizarre and unnatural.

That said CORBA and Gnome will allow you to do plots from C eventually. 
However, this is not something that's really ready for production; it's in
the early test stage. 

Basically if you need something now, it will probably need to be non-Gtk,
or you'll have to roll your own. Depending on what you want to do, the
GnomeCanvas might make it pretty easy.


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