Re: [gtk-list] Re: Typing over selection...

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, Ted Lemon wrote:

> > Maybe, but there is room for improvement.  It is screech-out-load annoying
> > when a single keystroke wipes out a large section of text that you just
> > finished typing and were about to commit but saw one last error.
> You're right that it's annoying when this happens, but that's what
> Undo is for.  Come on, these are the 90's.  Emacs has had undo since
> the days if ITS TECO.  This is an easy problem to solve.  Sure,
> existing Windoze and Mac applications may not let you undo in an
> entry-widget, but that doesn't mean Gtk can't support it.

Undo is for an application, not for a single widget.  If undo was
crammed into every editable widget, Gtk+ would become much larger
than it need be.  I think it would be a good deal easier to leave it
so that you have to hit that extra 'DEL' and then start typing than
to implement an undo feature for all entry widgets.  Just because
it's the 90s doesn't mean we should start wasting memory by putting
unneeded features into applications. Emacs has undo because it's a
text editor.  Small widgets like Entries don't need such an elaborate

Matt Perry []

QOTD:	I looked out my window, and saw Kyle Pettys' car upside down,
	then I thought 'One of us is in real trouble'.
		-- Davey Allison, on a 150 m.p.h. crash

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