Re: [gtk-list] Re: Widget user interface comments [GtkEntry]

Patrick Rogan wrote:

> > Im mean if user press RETURN on a Entry widget it shoukld jump to the next
> > widget in the dialog.
> >
> Woah! I disagree.  If a user's in an entry box, and presses return, the
> default button should be activated.  There are a few dialogs in the Gimp
> that completely piss me off because all they are is an entry box, and an
> OK button, and I have to reach back over to the mouse to press the OK
> button when I'm done typing in my entry.
> Anyhow, doesn't TAB move you to the next widget?  On MacOS, when you're
> in a text widget, they [often?] bind something like ctrl-TAB or alt-TAB
> to tab out of the widget, onto the next, since you want to be able to
> enter TABs into the text widget.  This change (from TAB to ^TAB) is
> simple enough to be figured out by trial and error (at least it was for
> me the first time).

Oki but why not have keybindings for the buttons:


Why not implement this in GTK when creating a button gtk_new_button_with_label("OK",GDK_CONTROL,"O");(or something similar)


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