Re: GtkText in Gtk 1.1.1

On 08-Sep-98 Owen Taylor wrote:
> Robin Ericsson <> writes:
>>   Ok, I don't know what they did with the text widget between version 1.0.4
>>   and
>> 1.0.5, but obviously that haven't happened in the development release 1.1.1.
>> I
>> had this crashes with 1.0.4, but never with 1.0.5.
>>   Note: I haven't checked this with the CVS, only with 1.1.1
> A quick look seems to indicate that all fixes in 1.0.5 were
> also in 1.1.1, as they should have been. Can you figure out
> how to get this to occur reproducably? (Example code would
> be great) 
> Also, if you do have a chance to try it with the current CVS text
> widget, that would also be appreciated. I've fixed some more bugs with
> such problems recently.

  Seems to that the problem have been fixed, I downloaded the snapshot 980908
from and I did the same thing as last time and this time it worked

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