Re: [gtk-list] Re: style usage

Your code did the following:

1) Copy a style
2) Modify the style colors
3) Set the widget style
4) Modify the style further.
5) Set the widget style again.

Step 4 modified the style color of a style that was assigned to a
widget.  I believe this is bad practice, but I haven't sifted through
the code to figure out why this causes a problem.  (Somewhere in

When I said "set the colors", I meant the allocation of the colors
that you do before you set the widget style.  

I believe it's bad practice to directly modify anything given to GTK
to manage - in this case, you've given the style to GTK to assign to a
widget - and you can assign it to other widgets - but don't modify the
style while it is assigned.  Instead, create a new style and use that.
 In your case, you set two different colors up (a background and a
foreground) for a style, but inbetween you call gtk_widget_set_style. 

   gtk_widget_set_style (button, style);

   // --- Whoa!  Style's been set!  What are you doing?
   style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = color; 

You don't need to call gtk_widget_restore_default_style in your code. 
You can fix your code by doing

   /* --- Setup the colors first. --- */
   style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = color; 
   style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = color; 

   /* --- Then set the style --- */
   gtk_widget_set_style (button, style);


---Robert Roebling <> wrote:
> Eric Harlow wrote:
> > I don't think that directly modifying the style of a widget is good
> > practice.  You really should set the colors first, and then call
> > gtk_widget_set_style.
> I don't understand. This is what I'm doing or what does "set the
> colors first" mean?
> > Also, the second gtk_widget_set_style is trying to set the style of
> > the widget to the style it already has - and is ignored.  (See
> > gtkwidget.c, gtk_widget_set_style_internal ())
> Maybe I'd have to set gtk_widget_restore_default_style (or some-
> thing like that) before assigning a new style?
>   Robert
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert Roebling              "Write once, compile, run everywhere"
> wxWindows/GTK
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