Re: [gtk-list] Both GTK v1.0.6 and v1.1.2 required for GTK-- v0.9.18?

From: Mirko Streckenbach <mirko@marian.localdomain>
Subject: Re: [gtk-list] Both GTK v1.0.6 and v1.1.2 required for GTK-- v0.9.18?
References: <>
Organization: private

Dave Corrie <> wrote:

: I'm trying to compile GTK-- v0.9.18, which has a configure script that (I
: think) requires both versions 1.0.6 and 1.1.2 of GTK+:
No. When compiling Gtk-- you have two options:
- Compile it for 1.0.6. No support of GNOME, since recent GNOME requires
- Compile it for a sufficently new gtk+-1.1.x cvs snapshot. With a
  sufficently new GNOME cvs snapshot, GNOME support is also built.
  Please note: I is not guaranteed to work with 1.1.2, and it will not
  work with gnome-0.30. Sorry.

: How can I get versions 1.0.6 and 1.1.2 of GTK+ to reside "peacefully" on
: one system?
You install them with different prefixes. I've installed gtk+-1.0 /usr and
gtk+-1.1 in /opt/gnome, with Gtk-- for both of them.


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