Re: [gtk-list] Both GTK v1.0.6 and v1.1.2 required for GTK-- v0.9.18?

Dave Corrie <> writes:
> I'm trying to compile GTK-- v0.9.18, which has a configure script that (I
> think) requires both versions 1.0.6 and 1.1.2 of GTK+:

No, it only requires either gtk+ 1.0.6 and then gnome-- will not work (because
gnome requires >1.1) or recent gtk+1.1 and recent gnome-libs for getting
gnome-- to work.

> - it looks for GTK+-1.0.6 during the "checking for GTK" test

it looks for >1.0.6 and if you have 1.1.*, it should be fine (if it isnt,
let me know and maybe we can find something wrong from the configure 

Check that gtk-config --versin and gnome-config --version  gives
proper values - 1.0.* gtk+ and gnome are not compatible afaik.

> - and "checking if used GNOME seems new enough" requires GTK+-1.1.2 (I
> have Gnome 0.30).

yes, it should just disable gnome-- if it isnt new enough. If you have
gnome0.3, you need to have 1.1.* gtk somewhere.

> How can I get versions 1.0.6 and 1.1.2 of GTK+ to reside "peacefully" on
> one system?

installing them to different directories - but you dont need to do that
for installing gtk--.

-- Tero Pulkkinen -- --

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