Re: [gtk-list] RE: Forcing a widget redraw

>No it's not that hard. Do it the other way -- make a small dialog with a 
>progress bar (you know, the usual thing), make it grab the keyboard and 
>mouse (i.e. make it modal with gtk_main_grab_add()). Then after you update 
>the progress bar do a simple loop:
>/* The function names here are from memory, check gtkmain.h */
>while (gtk_main_events_pending())
>  gtk_main_iteration();

Got it! Thanks.

>I apologize if this message is malformed or in HTML format -- I have no 
>idea what the evil MS Outlook will do to it. I _have_ to use it now, though 

It was, but was still readable (i.e. not in HTML). One thing Outlook does is 
not delimit the original message and the new text; if you were to put some 
hyphens or something before your reply it would make things a bit more legible.

+- David Given ----------------+ 
|  Work:          | Wholesale theft is the sincerest form
|  Play:      | of flattery.                      
+- -+ 

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