Re: [gtk-list] Re: Game development - keystroke detection question.

On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Eric Harlow wrote:

> I was hoping not to read the keyboard mapping directly from the port
> (ack!) but rather from a higher level that would be more portable -
> say if my linux gtk game was recompiled on a sun or *snicker* a
> windows CE machine - assuming gtk gets ported to it.  
>  -Eric
	hehe. i've never heared of xdoom/xquake ported on solaris, but if 
there is such thing, then you should look in ints sources. probably X has 
a func to do that properly. but i still think that port reading is the 
most useful. unfortunately i don't really know how port reading and X can 
co-exist peacefuly but almost certain this will mess up the x events 
queue. what about linux game devel stuff? there are some guys developing 
a game engine for linux (ala directX). they might finished already the 
kbd procs.


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