Re: [gtk-list] Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Proposed widget

On Sun, 24 May 1998, KC5TJA wrote:

> This is, to date, the only legitamate reason given, and it's an important
> one to boot.  You present a point of view which I had not taken in the
> past (that of active web content).  While it is (reasonably) easy for
> commercial companies to ensure mostly-bug-free software, such cannot be

Well, I don't want to let this end in the next discussion about paradigms of
software development (open source vs. commercial/proprietary), but:

- Every software may contain bugs/glitches. The probability of bugs in a
  program increases with its size.
- As of my experience commercial programs are by far larger than open source
  developped ones [OFFTOPIC: anyone got comments on the grammar of this
  sentence (especially on the syntax since I'm not a native english-
  speaker)? Would be nice if you mailed them to me, thanks]
- Well, if it's so easy for THEM (in comparison to US :-) to ensure bug-free
  programs, then why don't they do it (e.g. MS-{Windows,Office,...}, Netscape
  Navigator, ... suck big time concerning stability)? Of course this
  conclusion is based on empirical studies :-)

> said of web applets written by a neophyte or cracker.

For the last one you're comparing apples to pears (as a cracker would violate
memory intentionally this can not be considered a bug - or did you mean a
hacker? Then this doesn't fit - hackers are per definitionem wit enough to
produce no bugs at all :-).

Have a nice day,
Nils Philippsen                  @college:
Vogelsangstrasse 115             @home:
D 70197 Stuttgart                phone:    +49-711-6599405

Wer heute an der Bildung spart,          Those who scrimp on education today,
hat morgen noch bloedere Politiker.      get even dumber politicians tomorrow.

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