Re: [gtk-list] Re: How do I get the color....

On Wed, 20 May 1998, Adrian E. Feiguin wrote:

> You should set the blank spaces of your pixmap with no color, I mean your
> pixmap is something like:
>  number of colors
>     \/
> "6 6 2 1"
> "   c #0000000000000"
> "      "
> " xxxx "
> " x  x "
> " x  x "
> " xxxx "
> "      "};

Can you give a more complete example of .xpm files?  I haven't a clue as
to what they are, yet I see them mentioned every now and again.  Also, how
are they used within a GTK application?  What functions need be called,


      KC5TJA/6     |                  -| TEAM DOLPHIN |-
        DM13       |                  Samuel A. Falvo II
    QRP-L #1447    |

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