Re: Compiling GTK

Tony Peterson <capeters@physics.Arizona.EDU> writes:

> Thanks,
> Installing glibc-2.0.7 did it as soon as I also realized that I still
> had to add the -lX11 onto the compile command. Now, can anyone explain to
> me why I would need to do this. How is the X11 library normally linked in?
> Tony
> On Wed, 13 May 1998, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> > If you're running a redhat-5.0 system, there should be later versions of both
> > XFree and glibc check
> >
> > Hope this helps,
> > Toshio

Something is still wrong with your system. Could you send me
the file 'config.log' that was generated when you ran ./configure?


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