[gtk-list] Re: Simple(?) pixmap problem (fwd)

In a previous message, Todd Pafford says:
> On 11 May 1998, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > > ...What are the steps I should take to change from one pixmap to the
> > > other?
> > 
> >   gtk_pixmap_set (GTK_PIXMAP (pixmap_widget), new_pixmap, NULL);
> > 
> > Should be all that is necessary. What isn't working for you?
> Indeed, that was all that was necessary.  I honestly don't know how I
> missed that in the pixmap widget function list.  Many thanks to both Owen
> and Sacha for looking into this with me. :)

I've tried this but it doesn't work quite right.   First, with the NULL
parameter the pixmap is not shaped, its square (as expected).  If you specify 
a mask for the pixmap things are ok, unless the first pixmap was not the same 
shape as the second pixmap!  In that case the second pixmap overlaps the
first one - ie the first one leaves residual pixels around when the new
pixmap is applied.

Is this expected?  Or have I missed another step necessary to clear out the
first pixmap?

Michael J. Hammel           | Politicians are the same all over: they promise 
The Graphics Muse           | to build a bridge even where there is no river.
mjhammel@graphics-muse.org  |    Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), Soviet premier. 

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