Re: [gtk-list] Re: Announce : new irc client

On Sat, 9 May 1998, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:

> On Sat, 9 May 1998, Dave Swegen wrote:
> > an easy, good way to access the _whole_ screen. If I play a game I want it
> > to be full screen (I hate playing games in window with a vengeance - it
> > just thoroughly destroys any suspension of disbelief). So AFAIK that more
> > or less puts X out of the equation (unless of course I write a 3dfx game,
> Not really. Just put a override window on top that covers the whole
> screen.

Surely this doesn't actually change the res? And yes, I do realise that
you can manually chage it, but then the virtual screen kicks in and the
screen is all over the shop...

> > but since I don't have second monitor I'll be scuppered if I'll try and
> > pull that one off). Then there is GGI, but last I looked was still not
> > stable enough for my liking. So, I have not bothered writing a game.
> > Instead I'm messing about with an offline news reader (a la Agent on Win).
> No point in writing an offline client. There are already quite well
> functioning caching/offline newsservers like leafnode/NewsCache/...
> And they are not difficult to administer, as they are basically designed
> to be installed on enduser machines, ...

AFAIK the only proper offline news clients (by which I mean one which
first downloads only the headers, allows the user to select which ones to
read, and then retreives the selected messages for reading during a later
session) are the KDE newscliet and one called Xagent, which uses xforms,
neither which are very interesting to me. And it is only really for the
learning process I am doing it (couldn't think of anything
better/interesting). Again, I'd be happy to be proves wrong.

	Dave (two bottles of icky Barnstormer cider later ;)

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