Re: [gtk-list] thread safe gtk?

On 8 May 1998, Sami Juhani Kallio wrote:

> It seems that in order to develop multithreaded GUI applications you
> have to use different interface from GTK's (the interface that GPK
> provides). It would be better to be able to use the same GTK

Not necessarily true.

The way to resolve this, I believe (I could be wrong, since I've never
tried this under UNIX), would be to create a dedicated thread dedicated
solely to user interface management, and a minimum of one other thread to
handle the user interactions and processing.  You'd need to work on
inter-thread communication techniques to do this effectively, which I
believe pthreads supplies.

The idea being that, since only one thread is calling GTK functions, then
GTK will be safe from the other threads.

I got this idea when I made my own DOS multithreading engine.  DOS
obviously isn't able to support multithreading, so the way I resolved it
was to have a dedicated DOS server thread, which did all DOS functions on
behalf of the other threads.  It worked beautifully!

      KC5TJA/6     |                  -| TEAM DOLPHIN |-
        DM13       |                  Samuel A. Falvo II
    QRP-L #1447    |

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