Re: [gtk-list] Re: continue execution while updating a progress bar? (now thoughts on an Xinstall)

well actually, i was aiming more for a "gmake" or "gnomake" which would
pop up a filebox and let you chooke a Makefile. it would then list all the
jobs it's going to perform, and show their progress in status bars. once i
figure this out, my first priority will be to do just a GUI Make.
somethine more complicated like that will take extra help (any

> > i think the subject says it all. i need a good way to make a progress bar
> > and update it while my program is running. once gtk_main() is
> > executed, my program stops and waits for events. to be specific, i'm going
> > to hack up GNU Make to show progress of each current job. except for this
> > little oversight, it won't be hard to do.
> i'm not really answering this question, but i know that you have to use
> idle/timeout to update the progress bar in gtk_main(), i'll have to figure it
> out myself in a few days for litespeed (ftp client i'm writing).
> anyway, the reason why i'm replying to this msg is to discuss the compilation
> front end..
> I think that's a really neat idea and i've thought about doing something
> similar more than once. (we sell systems and the thing that most gets new linux
> users is compiling stuff). RPM helps, but it ain't universal by any means. Are
> you doing a front end unviersal to all programs or specific to gnome? the
> reason why i ask is i think it is important to have some sort of gui
> installation util for gnome which really truely checks dependencies to make
> _SURE_ that the entire thing compiles properly.. I think this is really really
> important. GNOME is great, but ALOT of people are having problems compiling the
> thing, especially that it is now broken up into different packages. Face it,
> half the time when something doesn't compile, you have to be a code to figure
> it out. kudos to the first man who makes Xinstall or something similar.
> --- raj
> >
> >
> > it'd be a great addition to Gnome for newbies compiling things if i could
> > get it to work :)
> >
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