Re: [gtk-list] continue execution while updating a progress bar? (now thoughts on an Xinstall) wrote:

> i think the subject says it all. i need a good way to make a progress bar
> and update it while my program is running. once gtk_main() is
> executed, my program stops and waits for events. to be specific, i'm going
> to hack up GNU Make to show progress of each current job. except for this
> little oversight, it won't be hard to do.

i'm not really answering this question, but i know that you have to use
idle/timeout to update the progress bar in gtk_main(), i'll have to figure it
out myself in a few days for litespeed (ftp client i'm writing).

anyway, the reason why i'm replying to this msg is to discuss the compilation
front end..

I think that's a really neat idea and i've thought about doing something
similar more than once. (we sell systems and the thing that most gets new linux
users is compiling stuff). RPM helps, but it ain't universal by any means. Are
you doing a front end unviersal to all programs or specific to gnome? the
reason why i ask is i think it is important to have some sort of gui
installation util for gnome which really truely checks dependencies to make
_SURE_ that the entire thing compiles properly.. I think this is really really
important. GNOME is great, but ALOT of people are having problems compiling the
thing, especially that it is now broken up into different packages. Face it,
half the time when something doesn't compile, you have to be a code to figure
it out. kudos to the first man who makes Xinstall or something similar.

--- raj

> it'd be a great addition to Gnome for newbies compiling things if i could
> get it to work :)
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