Re: [gtk-list] error in gtk-config for Solaris 2.5.1 (SonOS 5.5.1)?

Square Avenue wrote:
> Well I've beaten my head on this for a while... I'm trying to install
> GTK 0.99.7 (and the GIMP :) on the Solaris machines (version 2.5.1) at our
> school and I'm getting the weirdest shell script errors with the file
> known as gtk-config.
> I got some strange errors while running configure on the GIMP and I found
> out the culprit is when the configure script runs the gtk-config script.
> When running "gtk-config --version" I get this rather odd error:
> gtk-config: syntax error at line 29: `end of file' unexpected
> Unfortunately I don't know the first thing about sh programming.  I've
> tried changing the first line to run /usr/bin/sh and even bash but nothing
> works.  Does anyone know what's happening here?

Dave, and everyone, I've just found THIS answer...

Add the word "esac" as the last line in the gtk-config file.

THIS will fix the "eof unexpected" error.

THEN you have other things to worry about... :P

Bus since it's solaris, if you're installing GIMP next, then here's how
to make the gtk-config file work:

in the configure script (around line 1738 for gimp 0.99.21), change the
following lines:

--------------------cut from gimp-0.99.21/configure:

    GTK_CFLAGS=$($GTK_CONFIG --cflags)
    GTK_LIBS=$($GTK_CONFIG --libs)

--------------------replace with:  (substitute the ACTUAL PATH)

    GTK_CFLAGS=`<path>/gtk+-0.99.7/gtk-config --cflags`
    GTK_LIBS=`<path>/gtk+-0.99.7/gtk-config --libs`


Solaris DOESN'T LIKE "$($VAR)" as a means to substitute commands in sh
scripts.  (sh = bourne shell in Solaris), and I got tired of trying to
get the path substitution to work, so I told it to evaluate the command
explicitly with the " `command` " syntax.

>                                       - Dave
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   Jim Harmon                           The Telephone Connection                          Rockville, Maryland

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