Re: Gimp 0.99.19 menu weirdness

Daniel Skarda <> writes:

> Hello,
>   few days ago there were about two mails that complained about
> strange menu behaviour in new Gimp 0.99.19. I also have been hit by
> this bug - but it seems that this bug is so rare that no body have
> replied to those bug reports. Than I asked myself - what did we
> wrong or sligtly different from the others installing new Gimp? I
> sought throw mailing list archives but I have not found anything.
> But - WHOA - that's it: `root@artax:/usr/src/gtk-0.99.4/$ configure
> --enable-debug=no'. Only few folks bothered to turn off gtk
> debuging... - and punishment come immediately :)

Weird. It works if you you compile with the _default_ debug level
--enable-debug=minimum, but not with --disable-debug.

The only difference between the two should be that --disable-debug
turns off all assertion checks.

>   So - is this misbehaviour already known and fixed or developers never ever
> turn off debugging ? :)

Not to the extent of --disable-debug; I wouldn't have figured
that could introduce any bugs. I guess I'll have to start.

(--disable-debug isn't really recommended, since it will increase
the chance of bugs in your applications causing segfaults immediately,
instead of after you have had a chance to save; it should definitely
work though.)


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