Re: [gtk-list] Re: Objective-C binding

Elliot Lee wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Helge Hess wrote:
> > I'm doing some development to create a new binding for Objective-C. It
> > is based on libFoundation.
> >
> > Is there any interest in this list regarding this stuff (eg is anybody
> > using the obgtk Kit, which seems rather outdated in ObjC aspects) or is
> > anybody other doing the same ?
> If it's outdated you need to say why so I can fix it...

It's entirely based on the Object class and the structure build up by this.
While obgtk may be up to date by means of gtk+ functionality I suppose very few
people are using the Object class nowadays.

With the NSObject root class several new principles of design and conventions
of writing code were introduced. There is a rich library of Objective-C classes
specified in the OpenStep specification. Of one part of this, the
FoundationKit, exist good free implementations like gstep-base and

I try to design the GTKKit after another part, the AppKit. While I will do no
effort in providing a OpenStep-compliant library - which is 1st not possible on
this base and 2nd wouldn't be practical because gtk+ works in another way - I
will try to make it look like OpenStep as much as possible.
I'm also using the gstep-make package, so everything will fit nice into the
GNUstep environment, in fact the application I want to write using this is a
graphical compilation manager in the spirit of NeXT's

If you are interested in discussing this in more detail feel free to write me.
I would also like to send you an early implementation of GTKKit, maybe you can
get an impression out of this.


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