how to get notification of change in entry???


which signal is to be used to get notified, when the contents of a
GtkEntry is changed. there doesn't seem to be a state_changed any more
(is it?), which I used until now. I tried key_press_event, but that
doesn't give me the right entry yet (the entry is obviously changed
after the call to my handler). What can I do. As I'm using gtk--, I cant
call something like ...connect_after...


BTW.: I'm using 0.99.4
| Sebastian Wilhelmi, Institut fuer Rechnerentwurf und Fehlertoleranz, |
| Universitaet Karlsruhe;  Gebaeude 20.20, Raum 263, D-76128 Karlsruhe |
| mail:; fax: +49 721 370455; fon: +49 721 6084353 |
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