Re: [gtk-list] left justify of label

On Tue, Jun 30, 1998 at 06:08:03AM -0700, David M. Cook wrote:
> I'm trying to left justify labels in a table, but gtk insists on centering
> them no matter what I do.  Here's an example code snippet:

There are two issues here: alignment ad justification.
Alignment is about where the whole label will be put within the
space allocated to the widget by gtk's geometry management.
Justification is about where a line of the label stays
relatively to the other lines.

You need to align the label (it's a descendent of GtkMisc) with
gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0.0, 0.5);
gtk_label_set_justify() is most usefull with multi-line labels...


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