Re: [gtk-list] Re: YAOCW (Yet Another Objective-C Wrapper)


Sorry if I've stepped on some toes... here's a long explanation on the
why and how of Objective-GTK (in the form of a reply to Elliot).

>>>>> "Elliot" == Elliot Lee <> writes:

    Elliot> I just noticed this...
    Elliot> I don't suppose people would consider improving what they don't like about
    Elliot> obgtk, instead of constantly reinventing the wheel? This has a lot in
    Elliot> common with obgtk, and it's a waste of effort, especially when obgtk
    Elliot> definitely needs improvement and I'm more than willing to take patches
    Elliot> and/or co-maintainers.

I've started Objective-GTK quite some ways back... *before* the first
announcement of obgtk.  So, when obgtk came out, I had a look.  What I
saw I didn't like...  had I not had the strong feelings about feel and
style of an ObjC wrapper that I already had at the time, I probably
would have scratched Objective-GTK then and there.

But the differences between obgtk and Objective-GTK were really too
big, IMNSHO.  A lot of this, admittedly, is aesthetics.  But I'm a
sucker for a beatiful program... and beauty, as we all know, is in the
eye of the beholder.

And I also had the feeling (and still do) that the two of us aren't
compatible enough in opinion about programming style in general (and
OO style in particular) to make working together possible (in other
words: from my POV, there'd lots and lots to fix with obgtk... and in
the end, it would be Objective-GTK, or pretty close).  This is *not* a
flame, just a statement of fact, based on what I saw and read in obgtk
(and gtk-- before that).  No, I won't go into details here... ask me
(in private), if you want to know...

    Elliot> Saying "mine's better" doesn't make it so, especially when the library in
    Elliot> question isn't necessarily so ;-)

I totally agree, "Not necessarily"... nothing is anything just by
someone saying so... not even if it was the Pope saying so ;-)

But that "mine's better" (I guess you refer to my GTK page), as should
be obvious from what I said, is very subjective.  *I* think it is
better... from my POV.

Anyway, I just changed the wording there...

    Elliot> -- Elliot
    Elliot> Forget IRC clients. Scratch clock applets. Writing Objective C wrappers is
    Elliot> the new gtk fad of the day!

Again, I didn't start this just recently.  I had a working wrapper
before you announced obgtk.  Though, because it was still not complete
(it worked, but it wrapped only the functions I needed at the time), I
didn't announce it.  Maybe I should have... >:-)

That's all,

Bye, J

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard  eMail:  phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
	My WebHome:
	  "Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book;
	  inside of a dog, it's very dark." --  Groucho Marx

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