Re: [gtk-list] Re: Having a GtkWidget passed to a callback as an argument

>From the GTK Tutorial (

"Another call used in the hello world example, is: 

gint gtk_signal_connect_object( GtkObject *object, gchar *name,
                                             GtkSignalFunc func, GtkObject *slot_object);

gtk_signal_connect_object() is the same as gtk_signal_connect() except that the 
callback function only uses one argument, a pointer to a GTK object. So when 
using this function to connect signals, the callback should be of the form: 

void callback_func( GtkObject *object );"

Regards, Alex

On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Michael Stricklen wrote:
>On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, ajam wrote:
>> Actually, according to the tutorial, the function is supposed to have only one
>> parameter, an GtkObject.  Then again, maybe that is wrong.
>> Regards, Alex
>After reading the tutorial I was under the notion that a GtkObject was an
>all-encompassing type.  (ie you can cast Objects to widgets) ...
>Maybe I read it wrong ... or maybe I'm not catching what you're saying.
>My 0.02,
>Michael Stricklen
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