GTK--: (offtopic) How to keep the templates' definiton outside the headers ?


Please excuse me for this 50% offtopic question ;-).

I have made a template class for ploting my data. It is based on
Gtk_DrawingArea. It can plot any type of dat: int, float, etc. The
header is bellow:

// bufferedDrawingArea.hh

#ifndef __bufferedDrawingArea_hh__
#define __bufferedDrawingArea_hh__

#include <gtk--/pixmap.h>
#include <gtk--/drawingarea.h>

// to be able to plot more drawings on the same BufferedDrawingArea
// we must freez and unhold it before the first draw.
// after the first draw, we must hold it.
// before the last one we must unfreez the area.
// in the end it is better to unhold it also.

// CAUTION: unless the x and y axes are set, errors can appear
// as the code cannot handle rescaling of graphics relative one to other

template <class T>
class BufferedDrawingArea: public Gtk_DrawingArea
  bool hold;
  bool freez;

  BufferedDrawingArea(const char *aName = NULL);

  void set_name(const char *aName);
  void set_xaxes( T min, T max);
  void set_yaxes( T min, T max);
  void draw_line( T *ydata, int N);
  void draw_line( T *xdata, T *ydata, int N);

  char name[32];

  T xmin;
  T xmax;
  T ymin;
  T ymax;

  bool xauto;
  bool yauto;
  int h;
  int w;

  GdkPixmap *pixmap;
  GdkWindow *buff_window;
  GtkStyle *buff_style;

  int handle_configure_event (GdkEventConfigure *event);
  int handle_expose_event (GdkEventExpose *event);

  void show_event();


Some time ago I read an article about how to separate the implementation
of the template and its declaration. (Unfortunately, I do not remember
where I've found that article to read it again.) 

The ideea is to convince the compiler to generate all the necessary
definitions in the object file. Therefore I have this file:


#include "bufferedDrawingArea.hh"

// this dummy function is just to force the compiler to generate 
// the draw_line functions
  BufferedDrawingArea<float> dummyFloat;

template <class T> long int Max( T * data, long int length)

// Get the index of the minimum element of a "length" vector
template <class T> long int Min( T * data, long int length)

template <class T> 
BufferedDrawingArea<T>::BufferedDrawingArea(const char *aName = NULL)
  : pixmap (0)

template <class T> 

// Create a new backing pixmap of the appropriate size 
template <class T> 
int BufferedDrawingArea<T>::handle_configure_event (GdkEventConfigure

// Redraw the screen from the backing pixmap 
template <class T> 
int BufferedDrawingArea<T>::handle_expose_event (GdkEventExpose *event)

template <class T> 
void BufferedDrawingArea<T>::set_name(const char *aName){

template <class T> 
void BufferedDrawingArea<T>::set_xaxes( T min, T max)

template <class T> 
void BufferedDrawingArea<T>::set_yaxes( T min, T max)

template <class T> 
void BufferedDrawingArea<T>::draw_line( T *ydata, int N)

template <class T> 
void BufferedDrawingArea<T>::draw_line( T *xdata, T *ydata, int N)

I was able to force the compiler to generate all the declarations by
introducing the "dummy()" function. 

At the begining I wanted just to include a declaration like:

  BufferedDrawingArea<float> dummyFloat;

and remove entirely the dummy(). This didn't work as the compiler didn't
generate the code for 

void BufferedDrawingArea<float>::draw_line( float*, int)
void BufferedDrawingArea<float>::draw_line( float*, float*, int)

I was forced to introduce the explicit call of these functions in the
dummy function to guarantee the generation of the necessary code. Any
ideea ?

My compiler is egcs (1.0.2-0.6) on debian 2.0.



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