
I'm trying to move a pixmap over another pixmap, the solution i found
at moment is to put back pixmap as background of main window in every
graphic context (NORMAL, PRELIGHT...), then i created a fixed widget where
i put the little pixmap that i have to move.
Here the troubles i had:
1) both i use a little fixed widget and i move that  (with
   gtk_widget_set_uposition), and i use a big fixed
   widget and i move pixmap in that (with gtk_fixed_move)
   i get pixmap flickers. (the pixmap must follow mouse pointer)
2) if i change pixmap style so that i have the same pixmap in every
   contest (with i=[0..4] pixmapwid->style->bg_pixmap[bg_color]=pixmap;)
   i get that pixmap is tiled all over the window, even if the fixed
   widget where pixmpap is put is only a little part of the window, and
   i can't see the bg_pixmap of the window, if i move the pixmap i get
   that all tiled background will move.

any suggestions?

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