Re: [gtk-list] Re: ANNOUNCE: GtkSheet-5.0

// Hi, Betrand, I'm very happy and ethusiastic about your project. Please,
// if you have any criticist, doubt, new idea, don't hesitate to ask. I'll
// give you all my help and cooperation. I'm very open to discuss any idea
// and please, let me know about your progress. BTW, could you give me any
// idea about how are you thinking your GUI?

I think about an MDI with multiple Spreadsheet, and multiple visualization
sheet. Datas, labels , ... for the plot may be taken from the Spreadsheet, 
selected with the mouse.

A plot sheet will have multiple plots, and multiple layers.


  Bertrand GUIHENEUF           	E-Mail:
                               	Tel.:   (33) 01 39 63 50 36

Thanks to GNU for providing us all those powerful and reliable tools
Thanks to Linus Torvald for allowing me not to be a $microsoft$ slave

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