Re: [gtk-list] Re: Memory leak in GTK+ ?


A Dark Elf <> writes:
> The GtkText does seem to leak mem. I had notice that a long time ago, but
> no one reacted to it.

Well  - it was not that I defined data strutures and didn't free
them. Basically I can tell exactly where it probably leaks memory.

Since the xlogmaster doesn't leak during displaying a logfile and ti
does leak when switching between logfiles (although I don't do ANY
allocation in between) one leak has either to be in the
gtk_timeout_add/remove function or in a combination of the GtkText
functions. Since I basically call the same functions for interrupt and
switching the memory leak of the GtkText could be connected to the
total freeing of the GtkText and then a complete refill. This is
number one.

The second one is connected to the customization menu. Since the
customization uses a notebook, lots of buttons, radiobuttons,
GtkEntrys, Fileselectors & lists it is VERY hard to tell which
function exactly leaks the memory. I am relatively sure I didn't
forget to free the memory, so it is probably in the GTK+ - but since
configuration isn't used that often (most people will use it a few
times and then their xlogmaster will just read it's configuration
file) I consider this a secondary problem for the application.

Other people might see this different though if they rely heavier on
the menu-creation/destruction. My guess would be that the leak is
connected to the recursive destruction of contained widgets... some
might not get destroyed properly and lurk in the background then
(without a possibility to reach them). But this is just guesswork, of


- -- 
Georg C. F. Greve <> - ICQ#10016966
"People who fight may lose. People who do not
fight have already lost." -- Bertolt Brecht

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