Re: [gtk-list] Re: Memory leak in GTK+ ? (yet another leak)


...thinking about the GtkText Widget once more:

It is more probable that it is a leak that doesn't show up in
the interrupt because there are only small portions of text being
inserted, while there is a big chunk (in my case up to 90K) of text
being deleted/inserted if I switch logfiles. Then I get a memory
usage+0.1 percent) after 1-3 switches. Alright, 0.1 percent doesn't
look much, but losing 100K of free memory when displaying 300K of text
is a LOT I'd say.

I hope this gave the maintainer enough of an idea about where to look
for the problem.

_And I just found another leak:_

Just calling the fileselector, clicking on the cancel button (and the
routine basically just hides it first and then calls
gtk_widget_destroy() for the fileselector) loses *1.3 percent* of
memory which translates to *MORE THAN A MEGABYTE*. I know for sure
there is NO allocation on my side, I just build the fileselector, give
it a default path from a string variable that has been set somewhere
else before, connect the event handlers and then after clicking on
cancel I destroy it again... this is a major problem I'd say.

By the way: This was the second call, because I wanted to give GTK+
the chance to load stuff that might be needed from the libs on the
first one, so that is the difference between after the first and after
the second call of the GtkFileselection widget.

It COULD be connected to the bug in the GtkWidget destroy routine I
suspect there to be, though. I think there is a problem with
recursively destroying the packed widgets which would create exactly
this kind of leak, I think.


- -- 
Georg C. F. Greve <> - ICQ#10016966
"People who fight may lose. People who do not
fight have already lost." -- Bertolt Brecht

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