Installation Tree

People, a quick question,
	For both Gimp and GTK+, is there any hard-coded path info?  I know
that there is a "prefix" variable in gtk-config, but is there anything
else?  I am looking at taking a current installation and moving it, and I
want to make sure it works.  ie, Gimp can find it's share dir, etc.  Is
this compiled in or determined at run-time?

To wit, I want to be able to do the following:

Scenario One:
./configure --prefix=/opt/freeware
make install "prefix=/usr/local"

Scenario Two:
./configure --prefix=/opt/freeware
make install
mv /opt/freeware/* /usr/local

	Will this work without problems, or are there hard-coded paths?
Thanks in advance.



"Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate." 
        - Thomas Jones


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