Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gtk & Qt

On Sun, 12 Jul 1998, Joel Becker wrote:

> 	My impression is that KDE would like to work with Gnome, while
> Gnome would like to stamp KDE out.  It is this non-coexistance attitude
> from the Gnome camp that I don't like.
Hmmm. The problem are manyfold:
-) KDE people tend to say don't care to many things other people believe
   important. (Example: Legal status of the basic libaries underlying
               a STANDARD desktop.)
-) KDE people then whine about the GPL and try to circumvent it by
   declaring Qt a system library. (I know, that's a Linux problem, anyone
   can roll it's own distribution nowadays.)
-) Basically it's a short-term against long-term gain question.
-) Some Gnome people come to the conclusion that because of the legal
   problems KDE is bound for a mighty lashback.
-) KDE people usually port things and don't care to inform/consult the
   orginal authors. (Examples: LyX & Gimp. Also consider the mail on this
                     thread by some of the Gimp people where he compares
                     it to Linux/Kinux and a imaginary propiertary network
                     card driver library (Qt))
-) KDE people are anti-choice a bit. KDE people seem have to settled that
   C++ is the best and only language for everything. (Just compare
   the number of language bindings, and the number of non-C/C++ programs
   in the KDE/Gnome repository.)
   That makes many people unhappy (Including me, I've done C++ long enough
   to know why I do not want to use if I can help.)
> 	As for toolkit selection, I like KDE better than Gnome (mostly for
> the window manager...), and I much prefer GTK+ to Qt.  So whose side
> should I be on?  I say both.  I am going to use KDE as my desktop
> environment, and write what software I do in GTK+.  And use whatever
> software, with whatever toolkit, that I like.
As is your good right ;) And actually, you should be able to run KDEkwm
with GNOME panel, because Gnome is WM independant. (It's only the KDE guys
that think that they've got the one and only X11 window manager worthy
to survive.)


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