Re: [gtk-list] Re: New key-binding system

Owen Taylor wrote (in two different messages recently):
> But, we have just agreed, right, that without making the
> bindings language a "real" language - we need to modify
> the widgets to support the concept of VI bindings, there
> is no way around it.
> [ I'll refrain making any implications about the what
>   this implies about the wisdom of stateful key-bindings
>   in the first place ]
> If you really need state-dependent processing, you can
> have action-signals that are ignored in one state, and activated
> in another, but I think trying to do that in the bindings is heading
> towards making the bindings a scripting language, which is
> not where we want to go. [ Inventing a new scripting language
> is, nowdays, _never_ the right thing to do, IMO ]
> Though, one example I used when I first proposed this to
> Tim Janik was for an application with an embedded Perl
> interpreter:
>  bind "<Alt>:" { 
>   "execute-script" ("$e = shift; $e->set_text (eval $e->get_text)")
>  }

So much for the ideal (quoted here recently) that GTK should be simple
and concise and non-bloated!

Here we see one of the senior GTK gurus contemplating an embedded PERL
interpreter, merely to permit a few people to run their late 1990's
GUI programs in antiquated turn-of-the-80's glass-TTY mode!

This is user-configurability gone mad.

Looks like GTK will shortly be able to beat Micro$oft and Lotu$ in the
"800Mb is needed to run the simplest program" stakes.

Sad really. :-(


And it seems that all this work (and bloat) takes priority over the
*real* issues that should be tackled as a matter of urgency, such as
unicode support, BiDi language support and top-to-bottom support.

Not forgetting the one *everyone* wants: boustrophedon support(:-)).


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