Re: [gtk-list] modal fileselector

Christian Lorenz <> writes:

> Hi everybody!
> I have a problem with making the file selector modal.
> After creating the fileselector widget I do this:
>     gtk_widget_show(fileselector);
>     gtk_grab_add(fileselector);
>     gtk_main();
>     gtk_grab_remove(fileselector);
> Ok, the file selector appears and is modal.
> BUT: clicking on one of the file operation buttons
> (Create Directory, Rename File, Delete File) the
> dialog of the corresponding dialog appears but
> doesn't except user actions.
> Is there any feature that new upcoming dialogs get
> modal if the previous one was modal?

No there isn't - it's a bit hard to see how this would
work, since the modal dialog might also want to create
some new windows that aren't modal dialogs. (I.e., it's
creating new document windows). 

I tend to think that a modal file-selector is to be 
avoided whenever possible, but if it can't be avoided,
then there may need to be something like:


You could hack around this for the create/rename/delete
selections, by using connect_after() on the clicked() callbacks
for the buttons, and then doing a grab_add() yourself
on filesel->fileop_dialog(), but I don't see a good way
but I don't see any good way of handling the error dialog
that occasionally can be popped up.


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