Re: [gtk-list] Coloured text

Robert Thomson <> writes:

> Has anyone implemented, or started implementing, coloured text into the
> toolkit?  Ie. xterm colour codes or similar.  I wouldn't mind having ANSI
> support aswell, as it is more widely used.  Maybe just one format and
> interpreters / bindings for the others ?
> Just thinking about how one would create a mud client with the GTK..

Colors can already be set, though not usually with ANSI escape
 - Widgets with a single color text (labels, entries, etc.) have
   their color set through the style mechanism. It would seem
   odd to me to use embedded control sequences to modify the
   color of text here.

 - The Text widget supports a more general property mechanism
   where properties can be set on text to set the color and
   font (and the color is not restricted to just the colors
   supported by ANSI sequences.) 

   An application might conceivably set the properties in the text 
   it was inserting into a Text widget based ANSI sequences in
   the incoming text screen; I don't think the Text widget should
   understand them, though.

 - Terminal emulators widgets like GtkVT and zvt already support
   the ANSI escape sequences for colors.


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