Re: [gtk-list] Re: destroy and delete events

"Jason A. Pfeil" <> writes:
> Hmmm...this brings up an interesting dilemma...I am using gtk-- 0.9.4
> because the others haven't been able to compile correctly.  One more
> problem is that when I tried to do this with a dialog by descending my
> main window from Gtk_Dialog, when I have ANY code within my constructor,
> it gets a SIGSEGV when the code is executed.  Any ideas here?

if you ever get a sigsegv with gtk--, do:
gdb ./myproggy
*crash it*

and send me the output.. (remember to compile both gtk-- and your
program with -g -gstabs+)

(99% of cases with sigsegv they can be fixed within half hour with
that output..)

-- Tero Pulkkinen -- --

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