RE: [gtk-list] IRC client

On 27-Jan-98 Jeff wrote:
> has anyone started a GTK IRC client yet?

Yes. Me.

There is also one called girc as part of gnome, but it seems to be

I only started on mine 2 weeks ago, so it doesn't do much yet. I was
also set back by having a buggy malloc in my libc - but I've sorted
that now.

I'm doing an irc client as there isn't one for X that meets my
(somewhat picky) requirements - and I have tried then all; and also
as  bit of a UI experiment.

Probably the best one around at the moment is the KDE one - kirc, but
don't use the latest version as it crashes on receiving messages, and
it isn't being developed anymore, AFAIK.

For a unix console client I'm currently using BitchX, which is pretty

ObGTK Question: I have a text widget (oh not again I hear you scream)
with a vertical scrollbar attached, which works fine. But, when I
insert text I would like the view to change such that the new text
becomes visible if it goes off the bottom, ie. it scrolls down. How
can I do that?


E-Mail: Tony Gale <>
Whoever tells a lie cannot be pure in heart -- and only the pure in
can make a good soup.
                -- Ludwig Van Beethoven

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