ANNOUNCE : gtkspinbutton-0.1.tar.gz

Hi !

A first version of our widget has been uploaded to

Features currently include :

- Uses an adjustment, so the user can set "lower", "upper", 
  "step_increment", "page_increment" etc. in the usual way.

- Different speeds :

    * Button1, CursorUp, CursorDown       spin by "step_increment"
    * Button2, PgUp, PgDown               spin by "page_increment"
    * Button3, Ctrl-PgUp, Ctrl-PgDown     jump to "lower" / "upper"

    The button based spinning has a linear acceleration with
    a climb rate defined by the user.

- Integers and floats are possible, using "gtk_spin_button_set_digits".

To compile successfully, you need the current CVS version of Gtk+.

Have fun,
   Lars Hamann  <>
   Stefan Jeske <>

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