Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK widget: Round dial (Andy Tai) writes:

> I have to say Enlightment's value is highly controversial.  I mean
> no disrespect for you, Rasterman.  Your talents can be of great
> values, but please consider why the Mac and Windows have their
> particular looks.  Apple and Microsoft did not spend millions of
> dollars on HCI/usability studies for nothing.  And consider these
> Enlightment themes making Linux desktop looks like a game screen.
> Adding themes to gtk may throw gtk off track adding bloats, slowing
> it down.  We need a lean and fast toolkit, not a fancy yet slow
> one. Pleaee think about this.  Thanks.

I'm not saying anything about whether or not gtk should become capable
of being a base for enlightenment, but with respect to whether or not
Enlightenment's value is controversial, I will say I that have shown
it to several of my friends who are are die-hard Mac users.  While
they (as expected) have strong feelings about Microsoft, they are more
or less Linux neutral.

In each case, when I showed them Enlightenment, their jaw dropped, and
they wanted to know if it would work on their Macs.  I told them no,
but that it might be able to work with Rhapsody at some point in the
future.  Their responses were universally: "When's Rhapsody going to
be out?"

If nothing else, Enlightenment is fun, and great publicity.

Rob Browning <>
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