Re: Text widget delete bug example

On 25-Feb-98 Owen Taylor wrote:
>>  if (numlines > 10) {
>>     gtk_text_freeze(GTK_TEXT(text));
>>     while( GTK_TEXT(text)->text[numchars] && 
>>            (GTK_TEXT(text)->text[numchars] != '\n') ) {
>>       numchars++;
> This will get you into trouble. (Though it isn't the problem
> here) The text widget uses a gapped buffer, so just getting
> a character like that is wrong.

I am aware of the potential problems you mention, which is why I was
careful to avoid them :-)

I went for the easy hack.

Some functions for retrieving text would be good.



(Redhat haven't located a clue as to why the software managing this
list has a vendetta against me yet).
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