Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk slowness?

> > in case i was ignored last time, or maybe the mail never got to the
> > list..  i was pondering why Gtk is so *slow* compared to say, Qt or
> > Motif? i don't mean it just has unneeded repaints (although that could
> > use some work too), things like the popup menus come up very slowly.
> > there isn't any delay written into the code, but it does take a short
> > moment before a menu is popped up on a mouse movement (See the Gimp's
> > Filter menu). is there a specific reason for this? is it anything we can
> > work on/fix? 
> Have you done any investigation to find out why it is so slow?

well, that's the thing. i don't even know where to start. it isn't really
*SLOW*, it just has small delays that the other widget sets don't. it
seems a little bit odd. i figure it might have something to do with how
the objects pass signals between each other, but i don't know enough about
it to comment

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