Re: [gtk-list] Re: patch for gtkbutton.c

> > [1  <text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)>]
> > this is a patch for gtkbutton.c that (IMO) improves the button feel a
> > little.. text appears to press along with the button, and when a button is
> > held down, the cursor is moved out and back into the button, it represses.
> > i just thought we needed something like this :) if the text thing isn't
> > in the "gtk nature", just the button press code would be good.
> > [2  <text/plain; US-ASCII (base64)>]
> I'm not sure what you mean by the button press stuff. It seems
> to work that way now, so perhaps it has been fixed since 0.99.3.
> If it still doesn't work with the next release, perhaps you
> could resubmit your patch (or explain more exactly what you mean)

it works that way with togglebuttons, yes.. but not plain buttons. i mean,
while the mouse button is held down, the button will press and repress
depending on wether the mouse is over the button or not. currently in
gtk+-0.99.3, the button presses once, and never again, even though
moving the mouse over the button again (still while pressed) will activate
the button's action

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