Re: [gtk-list] Re: Docking toolbars


On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Shawn T . Amundson wrote:

> It would be better if these things didn't rip off at all but just allowed 
> you to drag the item to new positions in the window.  

This is already supported on GnomeDock.  You can force any docked item not
to allow detaching from the window.

> It also seems much more useful to minimize a buttonbar than to rip it
> off the window, ala Netscape. 

This does not work too well unless you only have one bar per row/column,
while GnomeDock lets the user have as many bars as she likes to on any
row/column (unless the user explicitly forbids this).  A nice alternative
way would be to have a menu to select which toolbars are visible like in
M$ Office. 


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