Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk_label and internationalisation question

Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> >>>>> "Ionutz" == Ionutz Borcoman <> writes:
>     Ionutz> My question was actually how can I keep Japanese text
>     Ionutz> mixed with my sorce code. And actually to use it. For
>     Ionutz> isnatnce, instead of doing like you do:
>     Ionutz> gtk_label_set_text
>     Ionutz> (GTK_LABEL(search_entry_mode_label),"<ESC>$B\x24\x22<ESC>(B")
>     Ionutz> and g++ doesn't even compile this because of those <ESC>
>     Ionutz> codes.
> Try \033 or \x1b instead of <ESC>.

I don't put <ESC> (like <,E,S,C and >) in my code. The XEmacs put them
there like '\e'. If you list the code with less, it complains that the
file is bynary. You say you don't care and want to see it. It prints
those <ESC> on the screen. To write this, I just call japanese-skk input
method and write "a". The Japanese "a" is introduced in my file. The
above codes appear on the screen when listing the source code in an
XTerm for instance. XEmacs will never show this, as it will convert
<ESC>$B\x24\x22<ESC>(B to Japanese multibyte "a".

I will try what Mitsuru Oka suggested on to see
what's hapening.


PS: I use '\e' to look for ESC codes. That's the same with '\033',
correct ?

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